Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Danish Baked Omelette

Dinner, LunchTove Balle-PedersenComment
Danish Baked Omelette.

Danish Baked Omelette.

The Danish baked omelette is an old-fashioned lunch dish served with rye bread and a cold beer.

I my family we had baked omelette for dinner, well my mom made it in a skillet on the stove. Turning the omelette was quite a hassle. Sliding the omelette onto a large lid, and flipping it is not for me. I found that putting the omelette in the oven works like a charm.

The omelette is so easy to make, and is great for a weeknight where time is limited. Sometimes it's just nice to make a quick and simple dinner and it doesn't hurt that it's rather cheap. This night I wanted to clear out some of all the eggs in the refrigerator, so I just bought a pack of bacon and some chives, and done.

Here's my moms recipe for omelette:


  • 6 eggs
  • 1½  tablespoons milk (½ tablespoon pr. 2 eggs)
  • 6 teaspoons all-purpose flour
  • salt & pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • bacon
  • chives


Preheat the oven to 400℉ (200℃).

Separate the egg white and the yolks. Mix the yolks with milk, flour, salt and pepper.

Whisk the whites until stiff using a hand mixer or a stand mixer. Fold the whites in the yolks.

Heat a skillet with oil over medium heat, pour in the batter. Put the skillet in the oven. Bake omelette for 15-20 minutes. Do not open the oven, the souffléing will stop.

Fry up the bacon, and wash the chives.

Serve the omelette with a piece of rye bread.


The Danish version:



  • 6 æg
  • 1½ spsk mælk (½ spsk pr. 2 æg)
  • 6 tsp hvedemel 
  • salt & peber
  • olivenolie
  • bacon
  • purløg


Æggeblommerne piskes sammen med mel, mælk salt og peber.

Hviderne piskes stive og vendes i æggemassen.  Kom massen på en opvarmet stegepande med lidt olie på. Kom stegepanden i ovnen, og bag æggekage i 15-20 minutter ved 200℃. 

Steg baconen og vask purløg. 

Server æggekagen med et stykke godt rugbrød og en kold øl.


Danish Liver Pâté - Leverpostej

Lunch, MeatsTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Danish Liver Pate.

Danish Liver Pate.

I have had liver pâté all my life, well after I started eating solid foods. I love this stuff.

If you are danish, you'll have an open faced sandwich with liver pate in your lunch box from kindergarden and up. Because we are raised on open faced sandwiches with liver pâté. We will eat it for lunch with sliced cucumber or pickled beets on a weekday, but it's also served at holidays with crispy bacon and sautéed mushrooms. The liver pâté came to Denmark in 1833-1847, and was sold to the very wealthy. It became more common after the bacon export surged and the excess of pigs liver grew, making the liver pâté affordable for most people.

My mom made her own liver pâté, but she didn't grind the liver herself, she bought a frozen liver mixture and added onion, eggs, milk and spices. Much easier but it's not an option here in the US, to my knowledge at least.

Danish people are like al others, most of us doesn't like to eat liver. But even people who hates liver, can love liver pâté - it's a whole different thing. 

Making liver pâté is not a pretty process. The liver mixture looks kinda gross. Grinding the liver is a messy process. But It's worth the effort in the end. I always make a big batch, and freeze the unbaked pâté in small loaf pans. That way you can have a fresh baked pate for lunch or dinner within an hour.

(See other version here.)
Makes 5 small liver pâtés.



  • 875 g liver (I use calf/veal liver)
  • 135 g fat (I use pork back fat)
  • 2 small onions
  • 3  eggs
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 3,5 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 25 g anchovies paste


Pass the fat and then the liver through a meat grinder at the finest setting, and mix it together. Now pass the mixture through the meat grinder again alternating with the onions.  Add the rest of the ingredients and mix it well.

Pour the mixture in small aluminum loaf pans.  

Bake the liver pâté in water bath at 360°F (180°C) for about an hour. 

You can freeze the uncooked pâtés and bake them, when needed. 


Quiche a la Thomas Keller

Lunch, DinnerTove Balle-Pedersen1 Comment
Wild Mushroom Quiche

Wild Mushroom Quiche

Not everything is as easy as they seems. Quiches has been a big hurtle for me master. As I'm writing this The Quiche is still the winner in theses matches. Quiches 2, me 0.

Well it's just the quiche shell there has me beaten. It always breaks in the blind baking, and a quiche shell with holes, won't hold any batter.  Doubling amount of dough didn't help, it just made the quiche more heavy.

I had to revisit this great dish - this time making two quiche shells. I needed a backup plan.  I made two fillings, one with Wild Mushrooms and one with Gorgonzola, leeks and bacon.


Gorgonzola, Leek and Bacon Quiche

Gorgonzola, Leek and Bacon Quiche

This time I searched online for bloggers who had made Thomas Keller's quiche. They might have some tips and tricks, that can make me win this battle.  Smitten Kitchen had metrics in her recipe, and it helped me with the converting.

In Thomas Keller's recipe it call for 2 cups sifted All-purpose Flour (12 ounces) - but in all my searches, I couldn't find 2 cups to equal 12 ounces. The 2 cups could be 9 ounces at most. This conversion worked, I was able to make two perfect shells.


Basic quiche Shell:

  • 250 g all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting

  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 225 g (2 sicks) very cold butter, cut into a small dices

  • 60 ml water, ice cold

  • Neutral oil, for brushing springform

Basic quiche custard:

  • 475 ml milk

  • 475 ml heavy whipping cream

  • 6 large eggs

  • 1 tablespoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground white pepper

  • Freshly grated nutmeg

Mushrooms filling: 

  • 905 g mushrooms (mixed)

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 3/4 freshly ground black pepper

  • 15 g butter

  • 2 shallots, minced

  • 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves, minced

  • 70 g Comte, Emmentaler or Comté cheese, grated

Gorgonzola, Leek and bacon filling:

  • 6 oz (175 g) gorgonzola

  • 4-5 large leeks

  • ¾ pounds (350 g) bacon, I used thick cut bacon


Make buttery shell:

In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix half of the flour with all of the salt. Then, with the machine on low speed, add the bits of butter, a handful at a time, until the butter is completely incorporated. Mix in the remainder of the flour until just blended, then the cold water until thoroughly incorporated. Form the dough into a flat, round disc. Wrap it with the plastic and chill it for at least one hour, preferably overnight, and up to two days.

Prepare shell:

Set the ring of a 9-inch springform pan, leaving the hinge open, on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Brush the inside of the ring with lightly with oil and set aside.

Generously flour your counter, then place the chilled, unwrapped dough on the flour and flour the top of the dough. Roll you dough into a 14-16-inch (36-40 cm) round, about 3/16-inch (5 mm) thick. The dough is going to be very hard at first, but keep at it, pressing the rolling pin gently from the center, it will get easier as it stretches out, and it is best to start when its very cold as it will remain the coolest/most firm longer. Re-flour your surface as needed, continually lifting and rotating your dough to make sure no parts are sticking. If at any point the dough becomes sticky, soft just slide it onto a floured baking sheet and pop it into the freezer for a few minutes for it to cool down again. If it tears, just overlap the sides of the tear and roll them back together. 

You can transfer your dough to the prepared pastry ring in one of two ways. Keller’s method is to roll it up on your rolling pin, then unroll it in the ring. I did like Smitten Kitchen by gently fold it into quarters, without creases, and unfold it in the ring. Gently lift the edges so that the slack of the dough drapes in. Press the dough into the corners and up the sides of the ring. Trim the overhang to 1-inch and please, save your scraps. Freeze the pastry shell for 20 minutes. Save the scraps for patching the shell after the blind-baking.

Preheat oven to 325°F.

Par-bake your pastry shell:

Line your chilled buttery pastry shell with parchment paper. Fill with pie weights/dried beans/uncooked rice/loose change and bake in your preheated oven for 30 to 40 minutes, or until lightly golden at edges. Carefully remove weights and parchment paper. Check the crust for any cracks or holes.  Patch up any holes and return shell to oven to bake another 10 to 15 minutes longer, until “richly brown” on bottom. Set aside to cool while you make your filling. Leave the oven on.

Prepare filling:


In a very large skillet, heat the oil. Add the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and cook over high heat, stirring, until starting to soften, about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to moderate. Add the butter, shallots and thyme and cook, stirring often, until the mushrooms are tender, about 12 minutes longer. Season with salt and pepper and let cool.

Gorgonzola, Leek and bacon:

Cut the bacon in 5/8 inch cubes. Bake or fry the bacon until it has rendered its fat, but not yet crisped up. Transfer the bacon to paper towels to drain. 

Cut off the dark leaves of the leeks and discard. Cut of the root an the bottom 1/2 inch of each leek. Cut the leeks lengthwise in half and wash well under cold running water. Place cut side down on a cutting board and slice crosswise into 1/4 inch-thick slices.  

Boil the leeks in salted boiling water for about 5 minutes, or until tender throughout. drain the leeks and spread them on paper towels on a baking sheet to cool. 

Crumble the gorgonzola. 

Assemble quiche:

Check the pastry shell for holes or cracks that would cause leakage. If you see any, seal them with the trimmed scraps from the dough.

Scald the milk and cream in a large saucepan (meaning a skin begins to form on the surface). Remove from heat and let cool for about 15 minutes.

Scatter one-third of the cheese and half the mushrooms in the bottom of the pastry shell. Ad half the milk/cream and 3 eggs with 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper and some freshly grated nutmeg to a blender and blend until frothy. Pour into the pastry shell. Top with another third of the cheese and remaining mushrooms. Make the custard again with the remaining eggs/milk/cream and same seasonings and pour it into the shell. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top.

For the other quiche, scatter half the filling, then batter, then filling and top of with rest of the custard.

To avoid spilling the batter when you put the quiche in the oven, fill the second part of the custard in the quiche when it's already in the oven. 

Bake quiche:

For 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 hours, or until nicely bronzed on top and the custard is just set. At first the custard jiggles quicker in the center than at the edges. When the custard is done, the jiggle is more uniform throughout.  Let cool to room temperature on a rack. Refrigerate until completely chilled, at least 1 day or up to 3 days. 

When chilled, scrape away the excess crust from the top edge. Run a knife between the crus and the ring to  release the quiche.  

Serve quiche:

Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Using a serrated knife and supporting the edges of the crust, carefully cut through the edge of the crust in a saw motion. Cut through the custard and bottom crust. Cut quiche into 8 pieces. Place pieces on the baking sheet and reheat for about 15b minutes.

Serve with a salad.

Even though I like the gorgonzola in the quiche, it's a bit heavy. Maybe it would work better without the cheese and just add the gorgonzola in the salad. The mushroom quiche was perfect, with a good balanced flavor.