Apple Pie-tini — Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Apple Pie-tini

Drinks, Holiday, ThanksgivingComment
Apple Pie-tini

Apple Pie-tini

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers in the US (and Americans in general).

As a somewhat newly arrived Dane in the US, Thanksgiving is a Holiday we just have to pass to get to the December celebration. I have never been too fond of turkey. Well, I had a very good roasted turkey at a Thanksgiving celebration at my dorm in Denmark. We had an American exchange student (Andy) living there, and we all went all in on making a big Thanksgiving celebration with him. And as for most dinners with young people at a dorm, it turned in to a great Party. This party is still my fondest Thanksgiving memory.

I hope you all are enjoying the holiday.

Makes 2 drinks



  • 90 ml vanilla vodka

  • 90 ml apple cider, unfiltered

  • 25 ml lemon juice

  • 1-2 tablespoons honey


  • 1 apple, in slices sprinkled with lemon juice

  • 2 cinnamon stick


  • lemon juice

  • baker's sugar (extra fine sugar)

  • ⅛ teaspoon ground cinnamon


Cut up the apple and sprinkle the slices with lemon juice to prevent them turning brown.Mix sugar and cinnamon on a shallow plate. Make sure not to have any lumps of sugar. Pour some lemon juice in another shallow plate. Dip the rims of the glasses in the lemon juice, shake them to remove any excess juice. Dip the rim of the glasses in the sugar mixture, making sure to cover all of the rim.

Mix the ingredients for the drink in a shaker with ice. Pour the drink into the glasses and decorate with apple slices and cinnamon sticks.
