Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Habanero Kransekage - Habanero Almond Cake

Cake, Desserts, Holiday, New Year's EveComment
Habanero Kransekage - Habanero Almond Cake

Habanero Kransekage - Habanero Almond Cake

Happy New Year.

Thank you for visiting my blog. It’s has been a fun year for me with blog. I learned that I do not control what happens after I post. And I do not know what will be a hit and what will be a miss. One thing I do know is, the quality of the photos is getting better. My husband has learned a lot about light, and how to use it.Thank you Michael for helping me, you are the best.

I hope you will keep visiting my blog, and I promise to keep coming up with new recipes and giving old classics a new twist.

I look forward to 2015 and to face all the new challenges this year will bring.  

From my family to yours, have a fantastic 2015, filled with love, light and laughter.


Makes 12



  • 50 g almonds blanched
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • 250 g marzipan (I used Ren Rå, a 60% almond paste)
  • habanero chili (be cautious with this chili, it is very powerful, taste a teeny-tiny bit to determine how much to use)


  • confectionary sugar
  • water, hot
  • orange food coloring


Put almonds and sugar into food processor with the steel blade in place and process until finely pulverized. Add the egg whites and process until smooth. Be careful not to heat the mass to more than 95 - 104°F, else the egg white will cook. 

Shred the marzipan and add it, minced habanero and the almond/egg white mixture to a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat it until it's completely smooth and free of lumps. Form the dough into a ball, and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Preheat oven for 375℉ (190℃).

Roll the dough into logs as thick as your finger, and cut into 3 inch long pieces. Gently press the top, so you get a peak.  

Bake for about 12 minutes or until golden.  Allow to cool completely before decorating.

Make the icing with small amount of hot water. You want the icing to be a thick paste. Pipe the icing across the top, using a piping bag with a small round tip.

Enjoy the kransekage with a glass of sweet bubbles.


Dungeness Crab Soup

Appetizer, Fish & seafood, SoupComment
Dungeness Crab Soup

Dungeness Crab Soup


Madblokkerudforfringen nr. 6


Spis lokalt giver jo meget god mening. For mig giver det god mening at spise det der er i sæson, lige meget hvor i verden du bor. Vi ved jo alle at en tomat smager bedst når den tages solvarm af planten. Eller at de bedste jordbær er dem man selv plukker. Men vi har vænnet os til at man til enhver tid kan få både tomater og jordbær, men det betyder at vi får frugter der ikke smager af ret meget, man kan foranlediges til at kalde dem kønsløse. Hvad værre er, vi belaster miljøet, når fødevarerne skal transporteres over lange afstande.

Da jeg flyttede til Californien, skulle jeg vænne mig til at sæsonen for frisk frugt og grønt blev udvidet, men også at jeg ikke længere kunne få fat i ting jeg før havde kunnet få. Jeg savner hyldeblomster, hyldebær, solbær og stikkelsbær. Men samtidig fik jeg foræret et kæmpe udbud af blandt andet citrusfrugter, som jeg slet ikke kendte til. Det er stadig en stor luksus for mig at kunne gå ud i haven og plukke appelsiner og citroner til husbehov det meste af året. 

Photo by Kelvin Yue/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Kelvin Yue/iStock / Getty Images

En anden ting jeg lærte var at sæsonen for dungeness crabs starter sidst i november, lige omkring Thanksgiving. Denne krabbe er en gudespise. Jeg plejer at købe dem forkogte i Whole Foods Marked, hvor de gør dem klar til servering. Når jeg kommer hjem damper jeg dem, til de er rygende varm, og serverer dem med koldt smør, brød og en god tør hvidvin.

Men der er jo ikke meget ved at lave et indlæg med det, så jeg valgte at lave en krabbesuppe, lidt a la en hummersuppe, bare knap så tyk. Jeg har valgt at bruge californsk olivenolie, Dungeness crabs, Organic Straus Heavy Whipping Cream (fløde) og en pinot grigio fra vores lokale vingård Picchetti

Til 6 personer som forret.


  • 4 Dungeness krabber (Jeg brugte 3 hele krabber og skallerne fra 1)

  • 3 spsk olivenolie

  • 3 fed hvidløg, hakket

  • 2 gulerødder, hakket

  • 2 stilke blegselleri

  • 1 fennikel, hakket

  • 3 kviste frisk estragon

  • 3 spsk konc. tomatpure

  • 50 ml cognac

  • ½ flaske tør hvidvin

  • 500 ml fiske boullion, eller vand og en boullionterning

  • 300-450 ml piskefløde

  • friskpresset citronsaft , efter smag

  • cayennepeber, efter smag

  • salt, efter smag


Fjern kløerne og kødet fra krabberne, og sæt det i køleskabet indtil lige før serveringen.

Varm olien godt op i en stor gryde. Kom krabbeskallerne i og steg dem ved høj varme i 3-4 minutter. Tilsæt gulerødder, selleri, tomatpure, hvidløg, porre, fennikel og estragon og forsæt med at sautere i endnu 10 minutter. Tilsæt cognacen og antænd den. (Jeg gør dette udendørs, da jeg ikke ønsker at have brand i køkkenet.) Når flammerne er dødet ned tilsættes hvidsvin og fiskeboullion og evt lidt vand, så det dækker krabberne. Lad suppen simre i 25 minutter, sluk for varmen og lad den trække i yderligere 10 minutter, før suppen sies. Jeg sier suppen af 2 gange. Først igennem en pastasigte og derefter igennem en mere finmasket sigte.

Smag på suppen. Hvis du ønsker en mere koncentreret smag, så kog suppen ind. Husk at suppen stadig skal have en del fløde, så det skal være en kraftig suppe.

I mellemtiden koges fløden ind til det halve. Tilsæt fløden til suppen og smag den til med salt, cognac, cayenne og citroinsaft.

Server suppen i opvarmede tallerkener henover en krabbeklo og lidt krabbekød. (jeg damper kløerne og kødet i et par minutter før serveringen).


The English version: 

Dungeness Crab Soup

Serves 6 as appetizer.


  • 4 Dungeness crabs (I used 3 and shells from 1, all pre-cooked)

  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped

  • 2 carrots, chopped

  • 2 stalks celery, chopped

  • 1 fennel, bulb only, chopped

  • 3 sprigs fresh tarragon

  • 3 tablespoons tomato paste

  • 50 ml cognac

  • ½ bottle dry white wine

  • 500 ml fish stock or water and 1 bouillon cube

  • 300-450 ml heavy whipping cream

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice, to taste

  • cayenne, to taste

  • salt, to taste


Remove the claws from the crabs and remove the crab meat from the shells. Refrigerate claws and meat, until serving.

Heat the oil in a large stockpot. Put the shells in the hot oil and brake them with a wooden spoon. Sauté the crab pieces for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the carrot, celery, tomato paste, garlic, leeks, fennel and tarragon and continue to sauté for another 10 minutes. Pour in the cognac and  ignite it. (I do this outside, to prevent a fire in the kitchen.) When the flames have subsided, pour in the white wine and enough fish stock or water to cover. Boil the soup for 25 minutes, remove from heat, let sit to rest for 10 minutes before straining the soup. I strained the soup in two steps. First straining through a colander, removing the large pieces, and then straining through a fine-meshed strainer. Taste the soup. If you want a more concentrated soup, reduce the soup, by simmering it, until you have the desired taste. Remember the soup will be diluted by the cream, so you need a strong base soup.

Meanwhile boil the cream until it has been reduced by half. Add the reduced cream to the base soup. Season the soup with salt, cognac, cayenne and lemon juice. 

Serve the soup in heated bowls over some crab meat and a claw. (Heat the meat and claw by steaming it for a few minutes.)



Salad with Orange and Poppyseed Dressing

Dinner, Lunch, Poultry, SaladComment
Salad with Orange and Poppyseed Dressing

Salad with Orange and Poppyseed Dressing

I have had enough of christmas food for this year. Three days with pork roast and roasted duck, is more than enough, but then again, I don't want to throw perfectly good food away. The last few days I have been craving a lighter dinner, and tonight we had this colorful salad with an orange-poppyseed dressing. This kind of foods makes me and my stomach happy. The sweet but tangy dressing pairs perfectly with the fresh fruit, the cheese, avocado and chicken. The poppyseeds and almonds gives the salad a great texture. 

Serves 2



  • 4-5 big handful mixed baby greens or baby spinach 
  • 1 large or 2 small chicken breasts, grilled
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 handful sliced almonds, toasted
  • fresh berries
  • 2 small slices or 3 tablespoons crumbled cheese (blue cheese, feta or goat cheese)


  • 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2-3 tablespoons canola oil
  • 2 orange, the zest of 1 and the juice from 1½ orange
  • 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoons poppy seeds



Put all the ingredients in a shaker, and shake the dressing until emulsified, refrigerate until serving.


Place the greens in a salad bowl and arrange the rest of the ingredients on top. Dress the salad with the dressing just before serving. 




Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays


December 24th. 

Thank you for visiting my blog through out the year. It has been a blast, but also a busy year for me.  

Tonight I'll celebrate a traditional Danish Christmas Eve with my family. Even the christmas tree is decorated in the Danish way, with the national flag, Dannebrog.

The christmas creeped on me this year, I had to abandon my advent calendar, to get ready for the family christmas. Sorry about that, but it was the blog or my sanity. 

I wish you and your family a happy holiday.



Christmas, Holiday, Sweets and CandyComment


December 22th.

I have always loved the white nougat made from honey, sugar and egg whites. This white nougat originates from Italy and is called Torrone, but there are different versions from different countries.  In Danmark we call this kind of candy for French Nougat, I really don’t know why. But it’s a great sweet candy, great for gifting. 

The temperature of the syrup determines the texture of the nougat. When the syrup is cooked to130℃ you get a very soft and runny nougat. Cooked to 140°C you get a chewy nougat. And if cooked to 150°C you get a hard nougat. 


makes 30-40 pieces, depending on size.



  • 260 g sugar
  • 80 g water
  • 50 g light corn syrup/glucose
  • 160 honey

Egg whites:

  • 40 g egg whites
  • 40 g sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanillapaste


  • 100 g pistachios
  • 100 g almonds


Roast the almonds in a single layer in the oven at 350℉ (175℃), until they start to turn slightly golden, set aside.

Combine the sugar, corn syrup, water, honey and salt in a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until all the sugar is melted, while stirring with a wooden spoon. Brushing down the sides of the pan occasionally with a pastry brush dipped in warm water, to prevent the sugar crystalizing on the sides of the pan. Attach the sugar thermometer to the pot and let the syrup simmer until it reaches 290°F (142℃), do not stir.

Remove saucepan from heat and place the base of the pan in the sink of cold water for 5 seconds, or until the bubbles subside, this stops the syrup temperature increasing. 

While heating the syrup, place the egg whites in a large, clean, dry heatproof bowl. Whisk the egg whites until firm peaks form. Add salt and vanilla, whisk to combine.

While whisking on medium speed, slowly pour hot syrup into the egg whites in a thin, steady stream. Turn the speed up and whisk for 10-12 minutes.  

Pour the sticky nougat onto a Silpat® Non-Stick Baking Mats, or another silicone mat, use the mat to knead nuts into the nougat.

Place the nougat in a a parchment paper lined pan sprayed with oil. I used a loaf pan.  Set aside in at room temperature for 6 hours or until set.

Cut the nougat with a sharp knife, heated in hot water, and wiped dry. Toss the nougat pieces in some sifted confectionary sugar. Store nougat in a clean, dry airtight container, separating layers with a piece of parchment paper. Will keep in a cool, dry place for 1-2 weeks, or so I'm told.  ;0)
