Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

Rødgrød, aka berry pudding, is not a traditional pudding, it’s more like a jam with added potato starch to get the silky pudding-like consistency. The berry pudding has a very intense berry flavor, and with the cream you have a perfect summer dessert.

Berry pudding is a traditional summer dessert in Denmark, made with the fresh berries when they are in season. I grew up having this several times during the summer. My mom made it with rhubarb and strawberries in the start of summer, and by the end we had it with strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrant. I really love blackcurrant. The intense dark flavor is to die for.

The name "rødgrød med fløde" is almost impossible to pronounce for non-native Danes, but go-ahead and try:  Rødgrød med fløde [ˈʁɶð̪ˀˌɡ̊ʁɶð̪ˀ mɛ ˈfløːð̪̩].


  • 275 g redcurrants
  • 775 g strawberries
  • 250 g raspberries
  • 100 g blackberries
  • 150 ml water + 25 ml 
  • 225 g sugar + extra for dusting
  • 1½ tablespoons potato starch
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


Wash the berries, cut up the larger strawberries into bite-size bits. Come redcurrants and strawberries in a saucepan with water and sugar. Save the raspberries and blackberries for later, they are very delicate and you want to them to keep their shape. Slowly bring it all to a simmer. Skim the stiff foam off the top as it cooks using a large spoon. Let the berries simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add Blackberries.

Whisk potato starch in 25 ml water in a small bowl until combined. Take the berries of the heat, add the potato starch + water and stir until combined. Add raspberries and let them get warm while gently stirring. Transfer pudding to a bowl and sprinkle sugar on the surface of the pudding, so it doesn’t form a pudding-skin. Chill the pudding and serve at room temperature with ice cold cream.



The Danish version:

Rødgrød med Fløde


  • 275 g røde ribs
  • 775 g jordbær
  • 250 g hindbær
  • 100 g brombær
  • 1½ dl vand + ¼ dl 
  • 225 g sukker + ekstra til at drysse ovenpå
  • 1½ spsk kartoffelmel
  • 2 spsk citronsaft 


Rens bærrene og skær de store jordbær over.  Kom jordbær og ribs i en gryde med vand og sukker. Kog det forsigtigt op, fjern eventuelt skum. Kog forsigtigt grøden i ca. 3-4 minutter. Tilsæt brombærrene. Tag grøden af varmen.

Rør kartoffelmelen ud i den resterende ¼ dl vand. Kom det i grøden og rør rundt. Tilsæt hindbærrene, og lad dem lige varme op. Grøden skal ikke koges nu. 

Kom grøden i en skål, og drys den med sukker, så der ikke dannes skind på toppen. Afkøl grøden og server den stuetemperatur med iskold fløde,


Grilled Salmon Kebabs

BBQ, Dinner, Fish & seafoodComment
Grilled Salmon Kebabs

Grilled Salmon Kebabs

Salmon kebabs are light, delicious and a perfect dish for a summer night BBQ. The kebabs are very easy to make, especially if you have double skewers, otherwise I will recommend using two single skewers for each kebab, so the fish doesn’t turn on the skewers.  I served the kebabs with boiled fingerling potatoes and a creme fraiche dip with fresh dill, salmon roe and lemon.



  • 1 pound skinless salmon fillet, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) pieces
  • 1 lemon, sliced very thinly
  • 1 tablespoon fresh dill
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil 
  • 4 bamboo skewer soaked in water for at least 1 hour


  • 8 oz (226 g) creme fraiche or sour cream 
  • 1 bunch fresh dill, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons salmon roe or other roe
  • lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste



Season the creme fraiche with pepper, lemon juice and dill, wait with the salt, because the roe is salty. Fold in the roe, and season with salt if needed. Set dip aside in refrigerator until ready for serving.


Prepare grill for medium heat.

Beginning and ending with salmon, spear salmon and folded lemon slices onto 4 double skewers. Drip with lemon juice and brush with oil. Season with salt, pepper and dill.

Grill, turning twice, until fish is opaque throughout, about 5-8 minutes.


Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Cake, DessertsComment
Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Chocolate is the answer to everything, who cares what the question is?

Just another pie. Sweet, chocolaty and fruitful.



  • 20 g almonds
  • 20 g cocoa powder, unsweetened 
  • 55 g all-purpose flour
  • 35 g sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • ⅖ stick (45 g) butter, cold and salted
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla paste
  • almost 1 egg


  • 60 g dark chocolate
  • 60 g milk chocolate
  • 120 g heavy whipping cream
  • 1½ teaspoon cognac


  • fresh fruit like cherries, raspberries and blackberries 



Chop the almonds in the food processor until it’s a coarse flour. Add, cocoa, sugar, flour and salt. Add diced cold butter, and blend until fully combined. Add vanilla paste and egg, and blend until just combined. Don't knead the dough, it will make the crust shrink when baked.

Form a disc or flat square of the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap, and store in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Spray the small tart pans with nonstick spray.

Flour your work surface generously, place the cold dough on top and flour the dough. Roll it out so it fits the tart pan.

Transfer the dough to the pie pan, cut off the overhanging dough for the crust to fit perfectly in the pan. 

If the dough sticks, use at bench scraper or a spatula to get it off your work surface. If the dough get to soft, put it into the freezer for a few minutes. 

Prick dough all over with a fork. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375℉ (190℃)

Line crust with parchment paper. Fill with pie weights or dried beans, and bake the crust until edges are set, about 10 minutes. Remove parchment paper and weights, and bake the crust for another 5 minutes. Let cool completely, about 30 minutes.


Melt the chocolate in the cream over very low heat. When almost melted, remove from heat, and add the cognac. 

Pour the ganache into the crusts, and refrigerate them to set the ganache.


Decorate the tarts with fresh fruit, and serve.



The Danish version:



  • 20 g mandler
  • 20 g kakaopulver, usødet 
  • 55 g hvedemel
  • 35 g sukker
  • 1 knsp salt
  • 45 g smør, koldt og saltet, i små tern
  • ¼ tsk vanille pasta eller kornene fra ½ vanillestang
  • næsten 1 æg


  • 60 g mørk chokolade
  • 60 g mælke chokolade
  • 120 g piskefløde
  • 1½ tsk cognac


  • frisk frugt såsom, kirsebær, hindbær og brombær



Hak mandlerne til manelmel i foodprocessoren. Tilsæt kakao, sukker, mel og salt. Kom smørret i, og blend indtil det er en ensartet blanding. Tilsæt vanillie og æg, og blend indtil det kun lige har samlet sig. Hvis du ælter dejen for meget, vil den krympe, når den bages

Form dejen til en flad firkant og pak den ind i plastikfilm, og lad den hvile i køleskabet i minimum en time. 

Smør de små tærtebunde. 

Rul dejen ud på et meldækket bord, så den er lidt større end tærteformene. Løft dejen forsigtigt over i formene, og skær evt overskydende dej af, så dejen passer perfekt i formene.

Prik i dejen med en gaffel, og sæt dejen i fryseren i ca 30 minutter.

Opvarm ovnen til 190℃.

Kom et stykke bagepapir ovenpå dejen og hæld Keramiske blindbagningskugler, eller tørrede bønner, ovenpå, så du kan bage bunden blindt. Bag bunden i 10 minutter, fjern så bagepapir og fyld. Bag bunden i yderligere 5 minutter. Lad bunden køle helt af, inden den fyldes.


Smelt chokoladen i fløden ved lav varme. Når chokoladen er næsten helt smeltet tages gryden af varmen og cognacen kommes i. Hæld ganachen i bundene og sæt tærterne i køleskabet, så ganachen sætter sig.


Kom den friske frugt på tærterne, og server dem.



Sourdough Chocolate Bread

Bread, Breakfast, Brunch4 Comments
Sourdough Chocolate Bread

Sourdough Chocolate Bread

In Denmark you can bye rye bread with chocolate, and I've seen a lot of sweet chocolate breads with dried fruits. But until I stumbled across this bread from Chocolate & Zucchini, I had no intention off making a chocolate bread. I liked the idea of an unsweetened sourdough bread with small chunks of good dark chocolate. 

This bread is perfect for an afternoon snack, with a thin layer of cream cheese and sliced strawberries on top. It tastes a bit like a piece of cake, but not as sweet, you may even say that it’s healthy, since chocolate is considered a vegetable by some.



  • 1 dl sourdough starter (the leaven you saved in the refrigerator, from last time you baked)
  • 2 dl water
  • 1 dl whole wheat flour
  • 1 dl all-purpose flour


  • 200 g leaven
  • 525 g bread flour (high in protein)
  • 50 g dutch processed cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon dry yeast
  • 425 g water
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 125 g dark chocolate, Valrhona, chopped



Feed the starter to make the leaven. The leaven is ready to use when the leaven is bubbling and smells like beer - after about 8 hours at room temperature. Cover the bowl with the leaven with plate or a clean towel. 

Save about 200 g leaven and put it aside in a sealed container. This will be your sourdough starter for the next batch of bread. It will keep without feeding for about 14 days in the refrigerator.

Feeding it is like making the leaven. Just pour out the liquid on top of the starter, and discard all but 1 dl of the starter. Mix in flour and water, and leave it on the kitchen counter for about 8 hours, until it's nice and bubbly. Now it will keep for another 14 days in the refrigerator before feeding.


In the large bowl for you stand mixer, combine water, leaven and yeast with flour and cocoa powder. Mix for about 3-5 minutes, and then set to rest for 20-30 minutes. 

Mix in salt and chocolate. Let the dough start fermentation at room temperature for about an hour. 

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and place it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and pour it onto the floured kitchen counter. Cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it get to room temperature, 2-3 hours. Make two rounds, and let them rise for another hour. 


Fold the third of the dough closest to you up and over the middle third of the round. Stretch out the dough horizontally to your right and fold this right third over the center. Stretch the dough to your left and fold this third over the previous fold. You are now starting to get a neat package. Stretch out the third of the dough farthest from you and fold this flap toward you, while rolling the whole package away from you, that the smooth underside of the loaf now is on the top and all the seams are on the bottom. Let the shaped loaf rest on the counter for a minute. Fold the other loaf the same way.

Let the dough rest in baskets generously dusted with rice flour. Using the dough scraper, transfer each round to a basket, smooth side down, with seam centered and facing up. Let rest at room temperature (75℉ to 80℉), covered with towels for 3 to 4 hours before baking.

Baking the Bread:

Twenty minutes before you are ready to bake the bread, pre-heat oven and  dutch/french oven to 500 degrees, with rack in lowest position.

Flip one bread into heated dutch/french oven. Score top twice using a razor blade matfer lame. Cover with lid. Return to oven, and reduce oven temperature to 430℉. Bake for 20 minutes.

Carefully remove lid and continue to bake another 15-20 minutes.

Transfer loaf to a wire rack. It will feel light and sound hollow when tapped. Let cool.


Adapted from chocolate&zucchini.


The danish version:

Chokoladebrød bagt på surdej



  • 1 dl surdej (den surdej du har haft i køleskabet siden du bagte sidst)
  • 2 dl vand
  • 1 dl grahams mel
  • 1 dl hvedemel


  • 200 g surdej
  • 525 g hvedemel (gerne med højr proteinindhold)
  • 50 g kakaopulver (Valrhona)
  • ½ tsk tørær eller 5 g alm. gær
  • 425 g vand
  • 2 tsk salt
  • 125 g mørk chokolade, Valrhona, groft hakket



For at kunne bruge surdejen til bagning, skal du fodre den. Jeg plejer at tage ca. 1 dl "gammel" surdej og blande den med 2 dl vand, 1 dl hvedemel og 1 dl grahamsmel, og så røre det godt sammen. Lad den nye surdej stå tildækket på køkkenbordet i ca. 8 timer, indtil den bobler lystigt og dufter af øl. Herefter tager du det fra du skal bruge til bagningen og kommer resten i køleskabet i et syltetøjsglas eller lignende. Nu kan surdejen holde sig 14 dage i køleskabet, inden du skal fodre den igen. 


Kom vand, surdej, mel, gær og kakao i skålen til din røremaskine og ælt dejen sammen i ca. 3- 5 minutter. Lad derefter dejen hvile i 20-30 minutter før du går videre.

Bland salt og chokolade i, og start hævningen ved stuetemperatur den første times tid. Dæk skålen til med plastisk film og kom den i køleskabet i 8-12 timer.

Tag dejen op og hæld den ud på et meldækket bord og dæk den til med et rent viskestykke. Lad dejen ligge og komme op til stuetemperatur i ca 2-3 timer. Del herefter dejen i 2 kugler og lad dem hæve yderligere 1 time.


Fold den trediedel der er tættest på dig hen over midten af dejen. Stræk dejen ud til siderne og fold siderne indover midten på dejen en ad gangen. Til sidst tages den del længest væk fra dig og foldes godt ind over de andre foldninger, men du spænder dejen op, så den bliver glat. Gør det samme med den anden dejklump.

Drys rismel (eller hvedemel) i hævekurvene og læg dejen i med samlingen øverst, og lad brødene hæve ved satue temperatur i 3-4 timer.


Omkring 20 minutter før du skal bage brødene, forvarm ovnen med en støbejernsgryde (med låg) til 260℃.

Vend brødet ud i den varme støbejernsgryde, snit i toppen af brødet med et barberblad og læg låget på. Kom gryden tilbage i ovnen og skru temperaturen ned til 220℃. Bag brødet under låg i ca. 20 minutter.

Fjern låget og bag videre i 15-20 minutter, indtil brødet er færdigt, og lyder hult, når du banker på bunden af det.

Afkøl brødet helt før du serverer det.


This post has been submitted to the Yeast Spotting Site.

Danish Potato Salad

BBQ, food, Salad, Vegetables1 Comment
Danish Potato Salad

Danish Potato Salad

Potato salad is a classic at danish BBQ's. Most families have their own recipes, and sometimes you just take the easy way out and use a store bought. But homemade is best. I like to have different textures in my potato salad, and the asparagus, peppers and radishes gives me just that. 


  • 2 pounds (ca. 1 kg) potatoes, use small firm potatoes like Fingerlings or Yukon Gold

  • 2 teaspoons salt for the boiling

  • 6 radishes, finely sliced

  • 1 bunch scallions

  • ½ cup fresh peas

  • 5 asparagus, chopped

  • ½ red bell pepper, diced

  • ½ green bell pepper, diced

  • chives


  • 16 oz (475 ml) sour cream or creme fraiche

  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • ⅛ teaspoon curry powder

  • 1 clove garlic

  • salt & pepper


Place the potatoes in a large pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and add the salt, then lower the heat and simmer for 15-18 minutes, until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife. It's important to start with the potatoes in cold water, this will prevent overcooking the outside of the potatoes before they are done.

Drain the potatoes and rinse in cold water. Peel the potatoes, and set aside in the refrigerator to cool completely.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing, and set aside. 

Wash and slice/dice the vegetables. Slice the cold potatoes, and mix it all in the dressing.

Store the potatoes salad in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve it.



The Danish version:



  • ca. 1 kg kartofler, brug en fast kartoffel såsom asparges- eller samsøkartofler

  • 2 tsk salt til kogevandet

  • 6 radiser, skåret tyndt

  • 1 bundt forårsløg

  • 1 dl nybælgede ærter

  • 5 asparges, skåret i stykker

  • ½ rød peber, skåret i tern

  • ½ grøn peber, skåret i tern

  • purløg


  • ca. 5 dl creme fraiche

  • 2 spsk mayonnaise

  • ⅛ tsk karry

  • 1 fed hvidløg

  • salt & peber


Kog kartoflerne i en stor gryde i 15-18 minutter, indtil de er møre. Start med koldt vand og tilsæt først saltet når vandet koger. Dette bevirker at kartoflerne ikke koger ud. Hæld vandet fra kartoflerne og skyl dem med koldt vand, for at stoppe kogningen. Pil kartoflerne og sæt dem til afkøling i køleskabet.

Bland dressingen, smag til med mere ekstra salt og karry.

Vask, og skær grøntsagerne, skær kartoflerne i skiver og bland det hele i dressingen. Opbevar kartoffelsalaten i køleskabet indtil den skal serveres.
