Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Boneless Birds / Benløse Fugle

Beef, Dinner, Meats, Simmer FoodComment
Classic Boneless Birds.

Classic Boneless Birds.

Boneless Birds is an old Danish classic, that you nowadays would call mormormad or Grandma food. It’s old school meat and potato food with a brown gravy. It’s a good comfort food on the heavier side. I served a side of lightly roasted carrots and some boiled fingerling potatoes along side, but other crispy vegetables and maybe a crisp salad would work too. But I still make this dish during the fall or winter months.

When my mom made it she used a piece of smoked speck instead of bacon, making the dish take a more smoky note. As a child the I really disliked the fatty piece of speck. Later she started using a thick piece of bacon, and the dish became more pleasing to me.

The name is kinda weird, but similar dishes, stuffed veal or beef, is known in France and England, where they are called headless birds or veal birds. And maybe beef were more common and cheaper compared to veal, so maybe that’s why veal birds became a beef dish.

I was lucky to get hold of a slap of nicely smoked bacon in the store, making me able to cut some thick slices that I cut into sticks, to roll into the beef. I have made a boneless bird dish earlier, but back then I used a smoked Gouda cheese for a more updated version.

Serves 4.


  • 4-6 slices of beef scallopini (thin slices of skirt steak)

  • 4-6 thick slices of smoked bacon, cut into sticks the size of string cheese

  • ½ medium onion, grated

  • salt and pepper for seasoning

  • 300 ml (1¼ cup) beef stock

  • 3 bay leaves

  • 200 ml (¾ cup) heavy whipping cream

  • gravy browning

  • gravy thickening (shake to mix some milk + 3 tablespoons flour+ pinch salt)


Season the steak slices generously on both sides with salt and pepper.

Take a strip of the steak and lay it with the short side towards you. Place 1-2 sticks of bacon and about a teaspoon grated onion in one end, roll the steak up over the filling, securing it with a toothpick or trussing layers along the length of the roll. Repeat with the remaining meat slices.

Brown the rolls on all sides in a large sauté pan, making sure not to crowd the pan. Crowding the pan will boil the meat instead of searing. Add beef stock and bay leaves to the pan, and turn down the heat. Let the rolls cook on a low simmer for about 1 hour, until the meat is cooked tender. Remove the steak rolls from the pan, and add cream to the drippings/sauce. Let the sauce cook to a boil, and add the thickening and let it cook for a few minutes to remove the taste of flour. Season the sauce with salt and pepper, and add gravy browning to get a deep brown color. Place the rolls back in the pan, covering them with the sauce. Serve immediately with boiled or mashed potatoes.


Coffee Creme Brûlée

Coffee Creme Brûlée

Coffee Creme Brûlée

Creme Brûlée is one of my favorite desserts, when made right. The custard have to be velvety smooth with a nice crusty caramel on top. I like my Creme Brûlée to be a thin layer of custard, this gives the best custard to caramel ratio for my taste. This recipe is just perfect. Thank you David Lebovitz.

If you want a vanilla custard instead for coffee you can replace the instant coffee and kahlua with 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste. The paste might color the custard a bit.

Makes 4.


  • 330 ml (1 ⅓ cup) heavy whipping cream

  • 160 ml (⅔ cup) whole milk

  • 50 g (¼ cup) sugar + extra for caramelizing

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 4 large egg yolks

  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee powder, I used Seabright from Verve

  • 2 teaspoons Kahlua coffee liqueur


Preheat the oven for 300℉ (150 ℃).

Place the 4 shallow gratin dishes on a high-rimmed baking sheet and set aside. Boil some water in a kettle, to get it ready, for when the custard goes into the oven.

Heat the cream, milk, sugar, salt in a saucepan over medium heat, until all the sugar has dissolved. Whisk the egg yolks together in a bowl large enough to hold both eggs and milk/cream mixture. Gradually add the warm cream mixture in the yolks while stirring, until the cream is completely incorporated. Do not whisk vigorously, you don’t want to create foam. Mix in instant coffee and kahlua. Strain the mixture into a jug or measuring cup with a sprout, trying to create as little foam on top as possible. I removed the little foam, that did come on the surface with a spoon.

Gently divide the mixture between the 4 dishes, removing any foam created on the surface before placing the baking sheet in the oven. Pour enough hot water in the baking sheet, so it reaches halfway up the sides of the gratin dishes. Bake the dishes for 20-25 minutes, until they are just set, watch them closely the last few minutes. You are looking for a slight quiver when you try to jiggle them. Be careful when you remove them from the oven. I used a blaster to remove most of the water, and then used some kitchen towel to lift the dishes. Chill the custard in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve them.

Just before serving, sprinkle the custards with an even layer of sugar, about 1½ teaspoon for each is what you need. Working on one custard at a time, use a blowtorch to wave the flame over the custard until the sugar melts and becomes brown, make sure that the caramel spreads all over the top, but handle it with care, because the melted sugar is extremely hot. Serve immediately.
