Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Happy New Year

Cake, Christmas, Desserts, Holiday, New Year's EveComment
Pistachio kransekage.

Pistachio kransekage.

True to the Danish tradition we have champagne and kransekage at midnight. This year we started the new year celebration with my native Denmark, at 3 pm in California, testing a new color champagne. 

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog through out the year. It really warms my heart when you leave kind and constructive comments on my posts. This make me feel like a make a difference in the big community called the Internet.
I wish you all a healthy and prosperous 2017.

Happy New Year!


Pistachio kransekage

Make 8-10 cakes.



  • 50 g raw pistachios

  • 100 g sugar

  • 1 egg white

  • 250 g marzipan


  • confectionary (powdered) sugar

  • hot water


Put pistachios and sugar into food processor with the steel blade in place and process until finely pulverized. Add the egg whites and process until smooth. Be careful not to heat the mass to more than 95 - 104°F, else the egg white will cook. 

Shred the marzipan and add it and the pistachio/egg white mixture to a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Beat it until it's completely smooth and free of lumps. Form the dough into a ball, and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Preheat oven for 375℉ (190℃).

Roll the dough into logs as thick as your finger, and cut into 3 inch long pieces. Press the top part, making a top. 

Bake for about 12 minutes or until golden.  Allow to cool completely before icing them.




Lammerullepølse - Lamb spiced cold cut

Brunch, Lunch, Meats, LambComment
Lammerullepølse - Lamb spiced cold cut

Lammerullepølse - Lamb spiced cold cut

Rullepølse is a traditional cold cut made in the Scandinavian countries. In Denmark you normally make rullepølse from pork belly, but you can pretty much make it from the meat of your choice. 

When we had the big family lunches at my Godmothers house we always got a lamb version of Rullepølse. I really liked the delicate taste, so here is my take on the Lamb rullepølse. 

Makes 1 rullepølse.


  • 1 - 1½  kg (2-3 pound) lamb belly or boneless leg of lamb
  • 3-4 tablespoons coarse sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon sodium nitrite (food grade) optional*

Spice blend:

  • ½ onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 large bunch of parsley, finely chopped
  • 3 teaspoons freshlycoarsely ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dried rosemary
  • 2-3 packets (21 g) gelatine

Cooking broth:

  • water, to cover
  • 2-3 teaspoons salt
  • 10-15 whole peppercorns
  • 2 bay leaves


If you are using a leg of lamb, you need to cut the meat into a large rectangle about ⅕ inch (1 cm) thick.  

Cut off any large chunks of fat, but don't make it too lean. Trim the ends so they are straight.  Trim any really thick places if that side is too thick when you roll it up. Lay the lamb flat on a cutting board and sprinkle salt and sodium nitrite all over. Fold the meat up, and place it in a ziplock bag in the refrigerator for 24-36 hours. 

Rinse the meat, and pat it dry with paper towel. Lay the meat flat on a cutting board, and sprinkle it with ⅓ of the gelatin powder. Spread the chopped onion on top. Sprinkle a good amount of pepper and allspice blend on top, ending with the rest of the gelatin. 

Carefully roll or fold up the meat into a large sausage. Use cooking twine to tie the meat up all the way.

Bring water to a boil, and place the rullepølse in the water with salt, peppercorns and bay leaves. Cook the rullepølse for 1½-2 hours at a simmer. 

When cooked, place the rullepølse in a press. If you do not have a rullepølse press you can use two loaf pans and tie it up hard with more twine. Put the rullepølse in a large ziplock bag and into the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Remove the twine, and slice the rullepølse in thin slices, and serve it on rye bread or another good bread, as an open faced sandwich.


*Sodium nitrite makes the rullepølse keep the pinkish color

Ebelskiver - Æbleskiver version 2.

Brunch, Christmas, Desserts, Holiday1 Comment
Ebelskiver in the making.

Ebelskiver in the making.

December the 8th, I always think back on my maternal grandmother, it was her Birthday, she would have turned 114 this year. We always gathered at my Grandma's at her birthday and had gløgg and æbleskiver (ebelskiver). 

I posted my moms recipe for æbleskiver, but this year I tweaked them a tiny bit, adding some cream into the mix, and they are still really really good.

Makes about 25-30


  • 250 g all-purpose flour
  • 125 g butter (salted and melted)
  • 250 ml milk (little over 1 cups)
  • 125 ml heavy whipping cream (little over ½ cup)
  • 2½ g salt (just under ½ teaspoon)
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 large lemon, the zest of


Mix milk with flour, cardamom and baking powder till there's no lumps. Add the melted butter, egg yolks, salt and lemon zest. Let the batter rest for about 5 minutes. 

Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Whisk whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form. 

Gently fold in the egg whites, do not over mix the batter, but you don't want spots of egg whites in the batter.

Turning æbleskiver.

Turning æbleskiver.

Heat the ebelskive pan. Fill the holes little over ¾.  As soon as the batter starts to bubble around the edge, turn* them halfway. When you have turned all halfway turn the ebelskiver all the way, so you end up with a perfect ball. Continue cooking, turning the ball to keep it from burning.

Serve the ebelskiver with confectionary sugar and a good quality jam.

* I use a knitting needle to turn the ebelskiver, but you can use a small fork.


Almond Date Bites

Christmas, Holiday, Snacks, Sweets and Candy, veganComment

December 7th.
Wow time flies when you are a bit under the weather. Somehow a whole week passed me by, and I didn't post anything at all. Sorry to leave you hanging. This is not good, when I promised you 12 Days of Christmas. Well, I can still make it, if I pull myself together. 

These Almond Date bites is a healthier take on the classic havregrynskugler/Oat "truffles", I made as an easy Christmas treat growing up.

Makes about 20-22.


  • 50 g raw almonds
  • 200 g pitted dates
  • 25 g rolled oats
  • 2½ teaspoon cocoa powder (I use Valrhona)
  • 1-2 tablespoons cold coffee
  • imitation rum (optional)


  • about 100 g dark chocolate (I use Valrhona)
  • 35-40 g shredded unsweetened coconut


Pulse almonds in a food processor until you have a coarse flour. Add the dates and blend until fully combined. Add the rest of the ingredients, and mix until it forms a sticky ball. 

Scoop out portions of the mixture using a small ice cream scooper. This will help you get an uniform size on the bites. Roll the bites into balls. Refrigerate for a couple hours, cover the balls with a thin layer of tempered dark chocolate and roll them in shredded coconut.


December 1st.

Christmas, Drinks, Holiday, BeveragesComment

Somehow December always creeps up on me, somehow I get surprised that Christmas comes right after all the festivity at Thanksgiving. This Year I hosted my first Thanksgiving dinner, so my Christmas preparations was somewhat delayed. 

I do intend to post 12 christmasy posts, for the 12 Days of Christmas. It will be a mix of food, sweets, cakes and cookies. So please stay tuned.

I start with a re-post of a hot mulled cider, mostly because I'm down with a cold, and the best thing to drink are warm drinks. And I really love hot mulled cider. 

I have never had it in Denmark, but it should be a Christmas stable as the mulled wine is.

Hot mulled cider, this lovely drink was all new to me 6 years ago. I thought that mulled wine aka glögg/gløgg/glühwein was a German/scandinavian thing. And adding warm spices to a non-alcholic drink, that was new to me, I'm sad to say. 😳

First time I had it was at a William-Sonoma store, and boy they got me hooked on that stuff. I love this when when winter approaches, and you need at hot strong drink to keep you warm. 

It has become a tradition to make hot mulled cider when we are having ebelskiver the weeks up to christmas. And to bee honest, I have the cider simmering on my stove almost every day. This fills my house with the sweet smell of christmas and it makes me very happy. 


  • 2 quarts good apple cider 

  • 1 orange, zest of half

  • 2 sticks of cinnamon

  • 5-10 whole cloves

  • 5-10 whole allspice berries

  • 1-2 star anis 

  • 3 green cardamom capsules

You could also buy a mulling spice mix, but I prefer mixing my own.


Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan and heat the cider to a simmer. Turn down the heat, and let the spices steep in the cider for 5-10 minutes. Reheat the cider. Pour the cider through a sift into cups and serve immediately.


The Danish Version:

Varm Krydret Cider


  • 2 liter god æblecider 

  • ½ appelsin, skallen fra

  • 2 kanelstænger

  • 5-10 hele nelliker

  • 5-10 hele allehånde

  • 1-2 stjerneanis 

  • 3 grønne kardemomme


Kom alle ingredienserne i en gryde og varm det op til kogepunktet. Skru ned for varmen og lad krydderierne trække i cideren i 5-10 minutter. Varm cideren op og si krydderierne fra. Server cideren med det samme.