Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Rum Raisin Ice Cream

Desserts, Ice CreamTove Balle-PedersenComment
Rum Raisin Ice Cream

Rum Raisin Ice Cream

Rum raisin ice cream was my dads favorite ice cream, well he loved most ice creams. I have fond memories of my dad, whenever I'm having rum raisin ice cream. Growing up, my dad rarely had any alcohol. He worked as an upholsterer working with harsh glues, some were organic solvents. So my dad didn't want to put alcohol, like beer and wine, into the mixture. 

But he loved ice cream, and one day my mom bought some rum raisin ice cream, and he had a few large scoops. My poor dad got impaired/drunk from the ice cream, and soon after having the ice cream, he was sleeping on the sofa. Little did he know, that his wife and children was laughing on his behalf. My dad was a cheap drunk!

In loving memory of my dad, here is my version of rum raisin ice cream.

Makes 1 liter.


  • 100 g raisins

  • ½ cup (1¼ dl) dark rum

  • ½ lemon, the zest of

  • ¾ cup (1.8 dl) whole milk

  • 125 g sugar

  • 1½ cup (3¾ dl) heavy whipping cream

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 4 egg yolks


Macerate the raisins in rum over night. Heat rum, raisins a lemon zest in a small saucepan and let it simmer for about 2 minutes. Cover and let stand for a few hours until it's cooled completely. 

Warm milk sugar and ⅓ of the cream in a saucepan. Pour the rest of the cream into a bowl over an ice bath. 

Whisk the egg yolks pale and add the hot milk in a little at a time, while whisking. Pour the mixture back in the saucepan. Slowly heat the mixture over medium heat while constantly stirring. You want the mixture to thicken slightly, but you don't want the mixture to come to a boil, this will coagulate the egg yolks. 

Pour the hot mixture through a strainer into the cool cream. Stir until the custard is cooled completely.

When ready to freeze, drain the raisins, but save the rum. Measure 3 tablespoons of the rum and stir it into the custard. (Add more new rum, if you don't have 3 tablespoons rum from the drained raisins.)

Freeze the custard in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's instructions. Stir in raisins as you remove the ice cream from the ice cream maker.

Let the ice cream freeze for a few hours before serving, if you can wait that long. 



White Chocolate Brownie

Cake, DessertsTove Balle-PedersenComment
White Chocolate Brownie

White Chocolate Brownie

Normally a brownie is brown, but here is my take on a white brownie with white chocolate, dried cherries and almonds. The brownie is still moist and chocolaty, but the cherries gives a tangy taste, so the sweetness is not overpowering.

You can eat the brownie when it is just made, but it only gets better the next day.

Makes 12 small pieces



  • 125 g butter
  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla pate or the seeds from ½ vanilla pod
  • 150 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder


  • 100 g white chocolate, chopped
  • 75 g sun-dried cherries, chopped
  • 50 g almonds, chopped


  • 150 g white chocolate
  • 15 g butter 
  • 40 g almonds slivers
  • 50 g dried cherries, chopped


Preheat the oven to 360℉ (180℃). Line a  8” by 8” baking pan with parchment paper, and set aside.

Melt butter and chocolate in a saucepan over very low heat, let cool for a few minutes.

Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla till it is pale and foamy. Add the melted chocolate and mix until fully incorporated. Stir in the sifted flour and baking powder in the batter. Fold in chocolate, almonds and cherries.

Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake it for 35-45 minutes until the top is lightly golden.

Let the cake cool completely before decorating.


Melt the chocolate over a double boiler while stirring, take the chocolate off the heat just before it's all melted, and stir until it all is melted. Stir in the butter, spread it on top of the cake, sprinkle almonds and cherries on top.

Cut the cake in small pieces and serve it with a nice cup of coffee. 


The Danish version:

Hvide Chokoladebrownies

Giver 12 små stykker



  • 125 g smør
  • 200 g hvid chokolade
  • 3 æg
  • 300 g sukker
  • kornene fra ½ stang vanille
  • 150 g mel
  • 1 tsk. bagepulver


  • 100 g hvid chokolade, groft hakket
  • 75 g soltørrede kirsebær, groft hakkede
  • 50 g hele mandler


  • 150 g hvid chokolade
  • 15 g blødt smør
  • 40 g mandelsplitter
  • 50 g oltørrede kirsebær, groft hakkede


Forvarm ovnen til 180℃. Kom bagepapir i en ca 20 cm x 20 cm bageform.

Smelt smør og chokolade i en tykbundet gryde over meget lav varme eller over vandbad.Lad massen køle lidt af i et par minutter. Pisk æg, sukker og vaniljekorn til en meget lys gul luftig masse. Bland chokoladen i æggemassen. Bland sigtet mel og bagepulver i og bland det forsigtigt sammen. Tilsidst tilsættes mandler, kirsebær og chokolade og de vendes forsigtigt i dejen.

Hæld dejen i kageformen og bag kagen i ca. 35-45 minutter. Køl kagen helt af før den dekoreres. 


Smelt chokoladen over vandbad, indtil den er næsten helt smeltet. Tag chokoladen af varmen og bliv ved med at røre indtil den sidste chokolade er smeltet. Tilsæt smør og rør det i. Spred chokoladen ud over toppen på kagen, og drys med de tørrede kirkebær og mandelsplitter. Lad chokoladen sætte sig, og skær kagen ud i små stykker. 

Server kagen med en god kop kaffe.


Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

DessertsTove Balle-PedersenComment
Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

Rødgrød med Fløde - Berry Pudding with Cream

Rødgrød, aka berry pudding, is not a traditional pudding, it’s more like a jam with added potato starch to get the silky pudding-like consistency. The berry pudding has a very intense berry flavor, and with the cream you have a perfect summer dessert.

Berry pudding is a traditional summer dessert in Denmark, made with the fresh berries when they are in season. I grew up having this several times during the summer. My mom made it with rhubarb and strawberries in the start of summer, and by the end we had it with strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrant. I really love blackcurrant. The intense dark flavor is to die for.

The name "rødgrød med fløde" is almost impossible to pronounce for non-native Danes, but go-ahead and try:  Rødgrød med fløde [ˈʁɶð̪ˀˌɡ̊ʁɶð̪ˀ mɛ ˈfløːð̪̩].


  • 275 g redcurrants
  • 775 g strawberries
  • 250 g raspberries
  • 100 g blackberries
  • 150 ml water + 25 ml 
  • 225 g sugar + extra for dusting
  • 1½ tablespoons potato starch
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


Wash the berries, cut up the larger strawberries into bite-size bits. Come redcurrants and strawberries in a saucepan with water and sugar. Save the raspberries and blackberries for later, they are very delicate and you want to them to keep their shape. Slowly bring it all to a simmer. Skim the stiff foam off the top as it cooks using a large spoon. Let the berries simmer for 3-4 minutes. Add Blackberries.

Whisk potato starch in 25 ml water in a small bowl until combined. Take the berries of the heat, add the potato starch + water and stir until combined. Add raspberries and let them get warm while gently stirring. Transfer pudding to a bowl and sprinkle sugar on the surface of the pudding, so it doesn’t form a pudding-skin. Chill the pudding and serve at room temperature with ice cold cream.



The Danish version:

Rødgrød med Fløde


  • 275 g røde ribs
  • 775 g jordbær
  • 250 g hindbær
  • 100 g brombær
  • 1½ dl vand + ¼ dl 
  • 225 g sukker + ekstra til at drysse ovenpå
  • 1½ spsk kartoffelmel
  • 2 spsk citronsaft 


Rens bærrene og skær de store jordbær over.  Kom jordbær og ribs i en gryde med vand og sukker. Kog det forsigtigt op, fjern eventuelt skum. Kog forsigtigt grøden i ca. 3-4 minutter. Tilsæt brombærrene. Tag grøden af varmen.

Rør kartoffelmelen ud i den resterende ¼ dl vand. Kom det i grøden og rør rundt. Tilsæt hindbærrene, og lad dem lige varme op. Grøden skal ikke koges nu. 

Kom grøden i en skål, og drys den med sukker, så der ikke dannes skind på toppen. Afkøl grøden og server den stuetemperatur med iskold fløde,


Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Cake, DessertsTove Balle-PedersenComment
Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Chocolate Ganache Fruit Tart

Chocolate is the answer to everything, who cares what the question is?

Just another pie. Sweet, chocolaty and fruitful.



  • 20 g almonds
  • 20 g cocoa powder, unsweetened 
  • 55 g all-purpose flour
  • 35 g sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • ⅖ stick (45 g) butter, cold and salted
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla paste
  • almost 1 egg


  • 60 g dark chocolate
  • 60 g milk chocolate
  • 120 g heavy whipping cream
  • 1½ teaspoon cognac


  • fresh fruit like cherries, raspberries and blackberries 



Chop the almonds in the food processor until it’s a coarse flour. Add, cocoa, sugar, flour and salt. Add diced cold butter, and blend until fully combined. Add vanilla paste and egg, and blend until just combined. Don't knead the dough, it will make the crust shrink when baked.

Form a disc or flat square of the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap, and store in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Spray the small tart pans with nonstick spray.

Flour your work surface generously, place the cold dough on top and flour the dough. Roll it out so it fits the tart pan.

Transfer the dough to the pie pan, cut off the overhanging dough for the crust to fit perfectly in the pan. 

If the dough sticks, use at bench scraper or a spatula to get it off your work surface. If the dough get to soft, put it into the freezer for a few minutes. 

Prick dough all over with a fork. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375℉ (190℃)

Line crust with parchment paper. Fill with pie weights or dried beans, and bake the crust until edges are set, about 10 minutes. Remove parchment paper and weights, and bake the crust for another 5 minutes. Let cool completely, about 30 minutes.


Melt the chocolate in the cream over very low heat. When almost melted, remove from heat, and add the cognac. 

Pour the ganache into the crusts, and refrigerate them to set the ganache.


Decorate the tarts with fresh fruit, and serve.



The Danish version:



  • 20 g mandler
  • 20 g kakaopulver, usødet 
  • 55 g hvedemel
  • 35 g sukker
  • 1 knsp salt
  • 45 g smør, koldt og saltet, i små tern
  • ¼ tsk vanille pasta eller kornene fra ½ vanillestang
  • næsten 1 æg


  • 60 g mørk chokolade
  • 60 g mælke chokolade
  • 120 g piskefløde
  • 1½ tsk cognac


  • frisk frugt såsom, kirsebær, hindbær og brombær



Hak mandlerne til manelmel i foodprocessoren. Tilsæt kakao, sukker, mel og salt. Kom smørret i, og blend indtil det er en ensartet blanding. Tilsæt vanillie og æg, og blend indtil det kun lige har samlet sig. Hvis du ælter dejen for meget, vil den krympe, når den bages

Form dejen til en flad firkant og pak den ind i plastikfilm, og lad den hvile i køleskabet i minimum en time. 

Smør de små tærtebunde. 

Rul dejen ud på et meldækket bord, så den er lidt større end tærteformene. Løft dejen forsigtigt over i formene, og skær evt overskydende dej af, så dejen passer perfekt i formene.

Prik i dejen med en gaffel, og sæt dejen i fryseren i ca 30 minutter.

Opvarm ovnen til 190℃.

Kom et stykke bagepapir ovenpå dejen og hæld Keramiske blindbagningskugler, eller tørrede bønner, ovenpå, så du kan bage bunden blindt. Bag bunden i 10 minutter, fjern så bagepapir og fyld. Bag bunden i yderligere 5 minutter. Lad bunden køle helt af, inden den fyldes.


Smelt chokoladen i fløden ved lav varme. Når chokoladen er næsten helt smeltet tages gryden af varmen og cognacen kommes i. Hæld ganachen i bundene og sæt tærterne i køleskabet, så ganachen sætter sig.


Kom den friske frugt på tærterne, og server dem.



Strawberry Tart with Chocolate Crust

Cake, DessertsTove Balle-PedersenComment
Strawberry Tart with Chocolate Crust

Strawberry Tart with Chocolate Crust

Is anything better than strawberries with chocolate? It would be strawberries with cream and a sprinkle of sugar. (This is the way you eat fresh strawberries at the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament in London) 

This is my take on strawberries with chocolate and strawberries with cream. The perfect concoction, the dessert of the summer. 



  • 40 g almonds

  • 45 g cocoa powder, unsweetened

  • 110 g all-purpose flour

  • 75 g sugar

  • 1 pinch salt

  • ¾ stick (85 g) butter, cold and salted

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla paste

  • 1 egg


  • 3 egg yolks

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

  • 250 ml milk

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

  • heavy whipping cream, whipped


  • strawberries

  • 1 tablespoon honey



Chop the almonds in the food processor until it’s a coarse flour. Add, cocoa, sugar, flour and salt. Add diced cold butter, and blend until fully combined. Add vanilla paste and egg, and blend until just combined. Don't knead the dough, it will make the crust shrink when baked.

Form a disc or flat square of the dough and wrap it in plastic wrap, and store in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Spray a 14-inch rectangular removable-bottom tart pan with nonstick spray.

Flour your work surface generously, place the cold dough on top and flour the dough. Roll it out into a 7-by-16-inch rectangle, so it fits the tart pan.

Transfer the dough to the pie pan, cut of the overhanging dough for the crust to fit perfect in the pan. 

If the dough sticks, use at bench scraper or a spatula to get it off your work surface. If the dough get to soft, put it into the freezer for a few minutes. 

Prick dough all over with a fork. Freeze until firm, about 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 375℉ (190℃)

Line crust with parchment paper. Fill with pie weights or dried beans, and bake the crust until edges are set, about 20 minutes. Remove parchment paper and weights, and bake the crust for another 10 minutes. Let cool completely, about 30 minutes.


Beat the egg yolks and sugar until pale in color. Whisk in the cornstarch and vanilla paste.

Heat the milk to a slow boil, set aside. 

While whisking vigorously drizzle the warm milk into the egg yolk mixture, just a tiny bit at a time at first. Once you’ve added about ¼ of the milk, you can add the rest in a thin steady stream, whisking constantly.

Pour the mixture back in the saucepan and reheat it over medium heat. Whisk constantly until it thickens. Remove from heat and pour into a bowl.  Sprinkle with sugar or press some plastic wrap against the custard so it won't form a pudding skin. Chill the custard completely in the refrigerator.

When the custard is cold, whip the heavy whipping cream. Fold the whipped cream in the custard a little at a time till you get the desired taste and texture. 

Assembly of the tart:

Spoon custard into cooled crust and spread into an even layer. Arrange strawberries over filling in a decorative pattern. Place honey in a small bowl and heat in the microwave until melted, about 10 seconds. Use a pastry brush to brush glaze over strawberries. Chill in the refrigerator until serving.



The Danish version:

Jordbærtærte med Chokoladebund



  • 40 g mandler

  • 45 g kakaopulver, usødet

  • 110 g hvedemel

  • 75 g sukker

  • 1 knsp salt

  • 85 g smør, koldt og saltet, i små tern

  • ½ tsk vanille pasta eller kornene fra ½ vanillestang

  • 1 æg


  • 3 æggeblommer

  • 2 spsk sukker

  • 1 spsk maizena

  • 2,5 dl mælk

  • 1 tsk vanille pasta eller kornene fra 1 vanillestang

  • piskefløde, pisket


  • jordbær

  • 1 spsk honning



Hak mandlerne til manelmel i foodprocessoren. Tilsæt kakao, sukker, mel og salt. Kom smørret i, og blend indtil det er en ensartet blanding. Tilsæt vanillie og æg, og blend indtil det kun lige har samle sig. Hvis du ælter dejen for meget, vil den krympe, når den bages

Form dejen til en flad firkant og pak den ind i plastikfilm, og lad den hvile i køleskabet i minimum en time. 

Smør en rektangulær tærtebund. 

Rul dejen ud på et meldækket bord så den er lidt større end tærteformen. Løft dejen forsigtigt over i formen, og skær evt overskydende dej af, så dejen passer perfekt i formen.

Prik i dejen med en gaffel, og sæt dejen i fryseren i ca 30 minutter.

Opvarm ovnen til 190℃.

Kom et stykke bagepapir ovenpå dejen og hæld Keramiske blindbagningskugler, eller tørrede bønner, ovenpå, så du kan bage bunden blindt. Bag bunden i 20 minutter, fjern så bagepapir og fyld. Bag bunden i yderligere 10 minutter. Lad bunden køle helt af, inden den fyldes. Du kan evt, pensle bunden indvendigt med lidt smeltet chokolade. 


Æggeblommerne røres hvide sammen med sukkeret. Rør mizen og vanillien i æggeblandingen.  Mælken koges op og hældes i lidt ad ganged ned i æggemassen, mens der piskes.  Når al mælken er kommet i, hældes det hele tillage i gryden og koges op under konstant omrøring. Cremen tykner i denne proces. Dæk cremen med et stykke film, så den ikke trækker skind.  Der må ikke røres i cremen mens den afkøles.  Når kagecremen er helt afkølet, blandes den med flødeskum, så cremen får en passende konsistens og smag.

Assembly of the tart:

Fordel kagecremen i tærtebunden og læg jordbær ovenpå. Pensel jordbærrene med lidt opvarmet honning, for at give dem mere glans. Server straks, eller opbevar tærten på køl, indtil den skal serveres. 
