Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.


Roasted Cauliflower in Tahini Dressing

Dinner, dressing, Sides, Vegetables, VegetarianComment

Roasted Cauliflower in Tahini Dressing

One of my favorite vegetables is cauliflower. I love it raw, cooked, baked, and as cauliflower rice.

A few weeks ago I saw this version on a tahini dressing, and thought I had to try it. it didn’t disappoint.

The cauliflower is sprinkled with cumin and roasted in the oven, then placed on top of the dressing, with a topping of parsley, onion and almonds

This is the perfect side for a piece of grilled meat, like lamb or chicken.

Serves 4.


Roasted cauliflower:

  • 1 cauliflower, cut into bouquets

  • 4 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon cumin

  • Sprinkle of salt

Tahini dressing:

  • 2 tablespoons tahini

  • 6 tablespoons Greek yogurt

  • 1 garlic clove,

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed

  • Salt to taste


  • 4 tablespoons almonds, roasted and chopped

  • 1 handful Italian parsley, chopped

  • 1 small onion, finely diced


Preheat the oven to 430℉/220℃.

Place cauliflower on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, drizzle olive oil over and sprinkle salt and cumin, mix it so the cauliflower is evenly coated. Roast the cauliflower for 15-20 minutes. You want them to be tender with a bit of a crunchy texture.

Mix the ingredients to the dressing and season additional salt and lemon juice to taste.

Mix the topping in a bowl, and set aside

Spread the dressing on to a serving dish, place the roasted cauliflower on top, adding the topping on last.

Serve immediately.


Danish version:

Bagt blomkål med tahindressing



  • 1 blomkål, delt op i buketter

  • 4 spsk oliven olie

  • 1 spsk spidskommen

  • Lidt salt


  • 2 spsk tahini

  • 6 spsk græsk yoghurt

  • 1 fed hvidløg

  • 1 spsk friskpresset citronsaft

  • Salt, efter smag


  • 4 spsk grofthakkede ristede mandler

  • 1 håndfuld bredbladet persille, groft hakket

  • 1 lille løg, finthakket


Forvarm oven til 220℃.


Vend blomkålsbuketterne med olivenolie, spidskommen og salt. Kom blomkålen på en bageplade, med bagepapir. Bag blomkålen i 15-20 minutter indtil de er møre med lidt bid, og har fået lidt farve.


Bland alle ingredienserne sammen i en skål, smag til med ekstra salt og citron.


Bland ingredienserne sammen.

Kom et godt lag dressing ud på et fad, kom det bagte blomkål ovenpå. Fordel toppingen øverst og server.


Green Bean and Asparagus Salad with Lemony Feta Dressing

Salad, Sides, Vegetarian, Vegetables, dressingComment

Green Bean and Asparagus Salad with Lemony Feta Dressing.

This salad is a fresh and crisp side perfect for a summer BBQ. The creamy lemony feta dressing makes it a perfect parring to almost everything. It’s great with fish, chicken and even for ribs or roasts.

I was in search of a salad without leafy greens, a more crunchy salads. Previously I have been using green beans and snap peas for this, so I added some extra crunch with asparagus and radishes. The cheesy lemony dressing was a mix of my love of feta mixed with the taste of the lemon pepper pasta.

Serves 3-4.


  • 200g green beans, trimmed

  • 1 bunch (10-15) asparagus, trimmed

  • 125g snap peas

  • 10 radishes, sliced


  • 1 lemon, the juice from

  • 2 tablespoons lemon olive oil

  • 75g feta cheese

  • freshly ground pepper


Wash and trim snap peas, asparagus, and green beans. For the asparagus I hold each stalk about half way down its length, and at the thick end. Then bend the stalk until it snaps, discard the thick end. This way you only get the good crispy part of the asparagus.

Blanch the vegetables for 1 minute, by adding the vegetables to a large pot of boiling water. With a slotted spoon remove the vegetables from the boiling water and plunge them in a large bowl with ice water. Cut the vegetables into bite-size pieces. Spread the vegetables in a shallow bowl, and sprinkle the sliced radishes on top.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing, using a fork to incorporate the feta to the dressing. Pour the dressing over the salad, and mix it well.

Serve the salad as a side to your favorite protein, or to your summer BBQ.