Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Blomkåls- og parmesansalat

Cauliflower and Parmesan Salad.

Salad, SidesTove Balle-PedersenComment
Cauliflower and Parmesan Salad.

Cauliflower and Parmesan Salad.

I still get a lot of inspiration from Denmark. I have been watching the danish tv-show "Price Inviterer" where 2 brothers invite danish celebrities to cook with them. It's a show as much about the story behind the person as the food they are making. A few weeks ago I watched the show with Christian Blitz, a Master in Science in Human Nutrition. He served a salad with cauliflower parmesan cheese. I had to try this, the combination sounded so good.

So heres my take on this quick & easy salad. Now there is no excuse for not having a healthy salad as a side tonight.


  • 1 cauliflower
  • parmesan cheese
  • 1 glass capers


  • extra virgin olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • salt & pepper



Cut the raw cauliflower and parmesan in very thin slices on a mandolin. Drain the capers. 

Arrange the cauliflower slices on a large plate and put the parmesan on top. Sprinkle with capers. 

Mix the dressing, and pour it over the salad.  

Serve immediately.