Danish Potato Salad — Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Danish Potato Salad

BBQ, food, Salad, Vegetables1 Comment
Danish Potato Salad

Danish Potato Salad

Potato salad is a classic at danish BBQ's. Most families have their own recipes, and sometimes you just take the easy way out and use a store bought. But homemade is best. I like to have different textures in my potato salad, and the asparagus, peppers and radishes gives me just that. 


  • 2 pounds (ca. 1 kg) potatoes, use small firm potatoes like Fingerlings or Yukon Gold

  • 2 teaspoons salt for the boiling

  • 6 radishes, finely sliced

  • 1 bunch scallions

  • ½ cup fresh peas

  • 5 asparagus, chopped

  • ½ red bell pepper, diced

  • ½ green bell pepper, diced

  • chives


  • 16 oz (475 ml) sour cream or creme fraiche

  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

  • ⅛ teaspoon curry powder

  • 1 clove garlic

  • salt & pepper


Place the potatoes in a large pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and add the salt, then lower the heat and simmer for 15-18 minutes, until the potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife. It's important to start with the potatoes in cold water, this will prevent overcooking the outside of the potatoes before they are done.

Drain the potatoes and rinse in cold water. Peel the potatoes, and set aside in the refrigerator to cool completely.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing, and set aside. 

Wash and slice/dice the vegetables. Slice the cold potatoes, and mix it all in the dressing.

Store the potatoes salad in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve it.



The Danish version:



  • ca. 1 kg kartofler, brug en fast kartoffel såsom asparges- eller samsøkartofler

  • 2 tsk salt til kogevandet

  • 6 radiser, skåret tyndt

  • 1 bundt forårsløg

  • 1 dl nybælgede ærter

  • 5 asparges, skåret i stykker

  • ½ rød peber, skåret i tern

  • ½ grøn peber, skåret i tern

  • purløg


  • ca. 5 dl creme fraiche

  • 2 spsk mayonnaise

  • ⅛ tsk karry

  • 1 fed hvidløg

  • salt & peber


Kog kartoflerne i en stor gryde i 15-18 minutter, indtil de er møre. Start med koldt vand og tilsæt først saltet når vandet koger. Dette bevirker at kartoflerne ikke koger ud. Hæld vandet fra kartoflerne og skyl dem med koldt vand, for at stoppe kogningen. Pil kartoflerne og sæt dem til afkøling i køleskabet.

Bland dressingen, smag til med mere ekstra salt og karry.

Vask, og skær grøntsagerne, skær kartoflerne i skiver og bland det hele i dressingen. Opbevar kartoffelsalaten i køleskabet indtil den skal serveres.
