Fragilite Roulade with Liquorice and Berries
This recipe came about due to a mini competition launched by Lakrids by Johan Bülow on their Facebook page. So off course I had to try to make a cake with the yummy marzipan with licorice.
This is my contribution to the competition.
Serves 4-6
25 g marzipan (I used ren rå from Odense)
3 egg whites
150 g sugar
almond slivers
Filling and topping:
heavy whipping cream (whipped to medium soft peaks)
strawberries, cut into small pieces
Preheat the oven for 360℉ (180℃)
Mix the marzipans with one of the egg whites using your hand, it’s a bit messy, but it's the easiest way to get a homogenous mass.
Whip the other two egg whites until you have soft peaks. Add the sugar and keep whipping until you have a shiny meringue with stiff peaks. You should be able to turn the bowl upside down.
Fold the marzipan mixture in.
Line a baking pan with parchment paper and spray it.
Spread the meringue evenly in the pan, sprinkle with slivered almonds and raw liquorice powder on top.
Bake the meringue for about 15 minutes. The top should be lightly brown.
When the cake is room temperature turn it upside down on a sheet of parchment paper. Cut of the edges of the cake, and it will roll easier.
Whip the cream, and spread it onto the cake, except for the last inch in the top. The filling will be pressed out when you roll it.
Cut the strawberries in pieces and drizzle them over the whipped cream.
Use the parchment paper to roll the cake tightly.
The Danish version:
Fragiliteroulade med Lakrids og bær
75 g lakridsmarcipan
25 g marcipan (Jeg brugte ren rå from Odense)
3 æggehvider
150 g sukker
Fyld og topping:
jordbær, i små stykker
Ælt de to marcipaner med den ene æggehvide.
Pisk resten af æggehviderne sukkeret til de er helt stive. Vend forsigtigt de stive hvider i marcipanmassen. Smør dejen ud på en bradepande beklædt med bagepapir. Jeg smør altid bagepapiret for at sikre mig, at kagen slipper. Drys med mandelflager og lakridspulveret. Bag bunden ved 180 grader i cirka 15 minutter.
Når bunden er helt afkølet, vendes den om på et nyt stykke bagepapir, så nødderne vender nedad.
Fyld: Pisk fløden stiv. Fordel flødeskummet på fragilitébunden, men undlad at komme noget på de sidste 2-3 cm i den ene ende, da fyldet presses ud, når kagen rulles. Skær jordbærene i grove stykker og drys dem over flødeskummet. Brug bagepapiret til at rulle rouladen så stramt som muligt. Skær rouladen i skiver på sned, server med friske bær.