Oat "truffles" with Liquorice — Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Oat "truffles" with Liquorice

Christmas, Holiday, Sweets and Candy, LiquoriceComment
Oat "truffles" with Liquorice

Oat "truffles" with Liquorice

December 17. - You can never have to many sweet treats.  

Making the traditional havregrynskugler aka Oat "truffles," I knew, I had to make some with liquorice. I'm getting addicted to liquorice, I guess, I could be addicted to worse things. 

I added almonds to  give the truffles more crunch.


  • 125 g oat
  • 50 g almonds, chopped
  • 75 g butter
  • 50 g sugar
  • 10 g unsweetened cocoa (I use Valrhona)
  • 1 tablespoons salty liquorice syrup


  • white chocolate (I use Valrhona)
  • raw liquorice powder


Chop the almonds. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment mix butter, oats, sugar, cocoa, syrup and almonds until you have a uniform texture. Add more syrup if needed.

Form small bite-size ball of the dough in your hands, Cool the balls.

Temper the white chocolate, and dip the balls in. Sprinkle with raw liquorice powder on top, before the chocolate is dried. Store the truffles in an airtight tin in the refrigerator.


The Danish version:

Havregrynskugler med lakrids


  • 125 g havregryn
  • 50 g hacked mandler
  • 75 g smør
  • 50 g sukkerr
  • 10 g kakao, uden sukker (Jeg brugte Valrhona)
  • 1 spsk salt lakrids sirup fra Bülow salty liquorice syrup



Hak mandlerne. Rør smør, sukker, havregryn, kakao, sirup  og mandlerne sammen til en ensartet masse. Tilsæt mere sirup, hvis du vil have mere lakridssmag.

Rul små mundrette kugler med hænderne. Temperer den hvide chokolade og dyp kuglerne heri. Drys lidt lakridspulver på toppen, før chokoladen tørrer.

Opbevar havregrynskuglerne i en lufttæt beholder i køleskabet.
