Sweet • Sour • Savory

Sweet • Sour • Savory

Food blog on scandinavian style food done right.

Apricot Ketchup

Apricot/Habanero Ketchup

BBQ, condiments, Sauce6 Comments
Apricot/Habanero Ketchup

Apricot/Habanero Ketchup

We have all had tomato ketchup, but I wanted to try using apricots, since I have so many on my tree. Honestly this ketchup could be a family favorite. I might have to cook another batch before the apricots are gone for the year. If you're not into spicy food, just leave out the habanero and add some more black pepper and maybe even some star anise. 


  • 2 kg fresh apricots, washed, pitted and cut in half
  • 500 g sugar
  • 4½ dl apple cider vinegar
  • 2-3 habanero chilies, without seeds
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 whole nutmeg
  • 8 whole cloves
  • 10 black pepper corns
  • ½ teaspoon yellow mustard seeeds


Put all the ingredients in a large pot, and bring it to a boil. Boil while stirring until the apricot is soft and mushy. Turn the heat down, and let the ketchup simmer until reduced to the desired consistency. This will take quit some time. Remember to stir regularly.

Blend the ketchup in a blender and run it through a sieve. Before adding it to scolded glass bottles. If you're not using this ketchup right away, you need to process the bottles for 10 minutes in a boiling-water bath. See National Center for Home Food Preservation for additional information on safe food preservation.



The Danish version:

Abrikos-Habanero Ketchup


  • 2 kg friske abrikoser, vaskede, udstenede og skåret i halve
  • 500 g sukker
  • 4½ dl æblecidereddike
  • 2 habanero chilier, uden kerner
  • 1 stang kanel
  • 1 hel muskatnød
  • 8 hele nelliker
  • 10 sort peberkorn
  • ½ tsk gule sennepsfrø


Kom alle ingredienserne i en stor gryde og kog det op indtil abrkoserne er møre og bløde. skru ned for varmen. Kog videre indtil du får den ønskede ketchup konsistens. Det tager noget tid. Rør tit i gryden, så ketchuppen ikke brænder på.

Blend hele blandingen, og si den igennem en sigte, inden du kommer ketchuppen på skoldede flasker. Hvis du ikke skal bruge al ketchuppen med det samme, så skal du henkoge den i ovnen til den er steril. Se National Center for Home Food Preservation for mere information om fødevaresikkerhed ved syltning.
